
Hair Loss
Hair Loss
Duos & Packs
Duos & Packs
  • Kérastase
  • Redken
  • Olaplex
  • Pureology
  • Philip Kingsley
  • Percy & Reed
  • L'Oréal Professionnel
  • Matrix
  • Schwarzkopf Professional
  • L'ANZA
  • KMS
Scalp Care
Scalp Care
Bond Repair
Bond Repair
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  1. Kérastase 27 items
  2. Alterna 86 items
  3. American Crew 32 items
  4. ANSWR 7 items
  5. Australian Bodycare 18 items
  6. BaByliss Pro 45 items
  7. Bam Beautiful 1 item
  8. BC Bonacure 2 items
  9. Beauty Works 40 items
  10. Biolage 29 items
  11. Blond Me 1 item
  12. BULK HOMME 1 item
  13. Burts Bees 1 item
  14. Color Wow 27 items
  15. Dermalogica 2 items
  16. Dr. Botanicals 2 items
  17. DR VEGAN 11 items
  18. EIMI 34 items
  19. Elizabeth Arden 1 item
  20. Evolve Beauty 4 items
  21. Evy 1 item
  22. Faith In Nature 14 items
  23. Fudge 143 items
  24. ghd 77 items
  25. Goldwell 237 items
  26. Gorgeous Shop 2 items
  27. Green People 25 items
  28. Hair Gain 9 items
  29. Hydrea London 2 items
  30. Ikoo 11 items
  31. Joico 203 items
  32. K18 18 items
  33. Kent Brushes 30 items
  34. Kerasilk 3 items
  35. Kerastase 369 items
  36. KIS 61 items
  37. KMS 214 items
  38. Korres 35 items
  39. L'Anza 120 items
  40. L'Oreal Professionnel 227 items
  41. La Biosthetique 85 items
  42. Layrite 1 item
  43. Living Proof 99 items
  44. Liv Lindley 4 items
  45. Manta 8 items
  46. Mary Cohr 1 item
  47. Matrix 142 items
  48. milk_shake 54 items
  49. Neal & Wolf 52 items
  50. Nioxin 133 items
  51. NUXE 7 items
  52. Olaplex 46 items
  53. Osis 4 items
  54. Paul Mitchell 252 items
  55. Percy & Reed 47 items
  56. Pestle & Mortar 1 item
  57. Philip Kingsley 136 items
  58. Pureology 97 items
  59. Real Techniques 2 items
  60. Redken 210 items
  61. REN 3 items
  62. Revlon Professional 5 items
  63. Schwarzkopf 143 items
  64. Scottish Fine Soaps 4 items
  65. Sebastian Professional 111 items
  66. Shea Moisture 26 items
  67. Shu Uemura 114 items
  68. Silhouette 11 items
  69. skinSense 3 items
  70. Solgar 48 items
  71. Tangle Teezer 22 items
  72. Tisserand 1 item
  73. Tweezerman 2 items
  74. UltraSun 2 items
  75. UpCircle 6 items
  76. Upper Canada UK 11 items
  77. Vida Glow 14 items
  78. We Are Paradoxx 36 items
  79. Weleda 3 items
  80. Wella 14 items
  81. 72 Hair 26 items
  82. Beauty Kubes 1 item
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The Importance of Hair Care

Whether you are looking for something new to add to your hair care routine or are just starting out on your journey to finding the perfect products for your hair type, caring for your luscious locks is key to feeling your best, every single day. Whether you have ultra curly, poker straight, severely damaged or dehydrated strands, our collection of hair care brands are the key to achieving the results you desire.

Repair Damage

If your hair is severely damaged, we would highly recommend shampoo, conditioners and hair treatments from restorative hair care brand Olaplex. Their Bond Maintenance Duo featuring No. 4 shampoo and No. 5 conditioner is clinically proven to repair damaged hair, split ends and reduce breakage leaving your hair shinier, softer and more resilient than ever before.

Alternatively, opt for innovative hair care products by New York’s highly-esteemed brand, Redken. Their Acidic Bonding Shampoo and Conditioner Duo boasts up to 56% less breakage when used daily and works to strengthen, condition and reinforce weakened bonds within individual hair fibres.

Maintain Colour

For those who want to care for their colour treated hair, Pureology is the brand to choose. Their range of 100% vegan and sulphate free hair care products offer dual-action treatments. So you can simultaneously protect your hair colour whilst also addressing additional hair concerns such as damage, dryness or frizz.

Alternatively, the L’Oréal Professionnel range of colour care shampoos and conditioners such as Serie Expert Vitamino or Chroma Crème are brilliant for protecting colour treated hair and maintaining tone and vibrancy, no matter what shade you choose this season.

Tackle Hair Loss

Suffering from weakened hair and hair loss? Kérastase has the perfect solution for you. Their anti hair loss fortifying shampoo, conditioner and hair treatment bundle will drastically reduce hair fall due to breakage. Enriched with ingredients that nourish, hydrate and reinforce hair fibres, you’ll be back to your confident self in no time.

Alternatively, tackle thinning and weakened hair from the inside out with Hair Gain Gummies. Supercharged with a unique blend of vitamins, minerals and botanicals, these gummies will ensure your hair is stronger, shinier and healthier.

Healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp. That’s why we would always recommend using a hair treatment that also targets and cares for the scalp such as La Biosthetique’s Methode Regenerate Hair Loss Shampoo.

Whatever your hair concern, we know you’ll find the perfect solution within our extensive range of hair care products.