What’s more, you can rest assured your time won’t be wasted searching for a code that works, as all our voucher codes have been created by our dedicated team and are updated regularly, meaning there’s no need to worry about false, inaccurate or expired codes.
As well as site wide offers, we work closely with our brands to create exclusive offers for best-sellers and new launches!
Each month there will be new and exclusive voucher codes, so make sure to check our offers before shopping and treat yourself to a little more of what you love for less!
Don’t forget, there’s FREE UK Saver Delivery on orders over £20.
How do I redeem my Gorgeous Promo Code?
Copy the discount code from this page • Hover over the white bag, at the top of the screen.
It will drop down the products in your basket.
Below this list will be a ‘view shopping bag’ button – click on this.
The bag will then load in a box in the middle of the screen.
On the right hand side of this box it says ‘got a voucher code?’ with a drop down arrow.
Click on the arrow and the box for the code will appear
Once you have entered the code; click on the ‘apply’ button.
The price will update to reflect the discount.
You can now proceed through to the checkout.
Terms and Conditions
One use per customer
Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer
Exclusions Apply:
Gift Card Purchases
Selected Products
Selected Gift Sets