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ghd Technology....

The UK brand has seen global success due to their pioneering technologies that combine the professional expertise of physicists, product designers, material scientists and hair specialists alike. This unique approach has enabled ghd to create products that are solely focused on the manipulation of hair and are based on a deep understanding of how hair interacts with various factors such as heat and pressure.

After rigorous research and testing, ghd landed on the optimum hair styling temperature as 185º. ghd found this to be the optimum as it is not too hot to cause irreversible damage but not too cold to leave your hair looking the same as before you styled it!

The Range

Continuous innovation has led to an extensive range of superior products boasting advanced technologies that allow you to style your hair, like a professional.

Sleek & Smooth

If you love a sleek and smooth look, the ghd Paddle Brush and the ghd-gold-styler are the perfect pair. Dual-technology within the straighteners themselves guarantees consistent heat regulation for a flawlessly sleek style whilst the paddle brush detangles hair for a super smooth feel.

Curly & Bouncy

For glorious curls, volume and bounce, the ghd Root Lift Spray combined with the ghd Thin Curl Wand are sure to do the trick! To hold your beautiful, bouncy curls in place, use the ghd Perfect Ending Hairspray for long-lasting results.

Don’t forget to use Heat Protect Spray before applying any form of heat to prevent irreversible damage to your locks.