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  1. Kérastase 1 item
  2. Alterna 4 items
  3. American Crew 4 items
  4. ANSWR 2 items
  5. Aramis 1 item
  6. Armani 12 items
  7. Australian Bodycare 4 items
  8. BaByliss Pro 40 items
  9. Balance Me 3 items
  10. bareMinerals 10 items
  11. Beauty Works 9 items
  12. Beautyblender 8 items
  13. BKR 2 items
  14. Bloom and Blossom 8 items
  15. Burts Bees 1 item
  16. Cacharel 3 items
  17. Carolina Herrera 3 items
  18. Calvin Klein 6 items
  19. CeraVe 11 items
  20. Chanel 4 items
  21. Chloe 2 items
  22. Clinique 4 items
  23. Coco & Eve 1 item
  24. COSRX 8 items
  25. Decleor 3 items
  26. delilah 9 items
  27. Dermalogica 15 items
  28. Dior 3 items
  29. Dolce & Gabbana 6 items
  30. Donna May London 12 items
  31. Dr. PAWPAW 3 items
  32. Dr Salts 6 items
  33. Elemental Herbology 3 items
  34. Elemis 5 items
  35. Elie Saab 2 items
  36. Elizabeth Arden 31 items
  37. Emma Hardie 7 items
  38. Estée Lauder 1 item
  39. Evolve Beauty 11 items
  40. Feather & Down 2 items
  41. Foreo 13 items
  42. Fudge 1 item
  43. ghd 42 items
  44. Goldwell 7 items
  45. Gorgeous Shop 5 items
  46. Green People 7 items
  47. Givenchy 1 item
  48. Hair Gain 3 items
  49. Hugo Boss 3 items
  50. Hydrea London 7 items
  51. Inika 1 item
  52. Issey Miyake 6 items
  53. Jean Paul Gaultier 4 items
  54. Jessica Nails 5 items
  55. Jimmy Choo 6 items
  56. K18 2 items
  57. Kent Brushes 3 items
  58. Kerastase 1 item
  59. KIS 7 items
  60. KMS 5 items
  61. Korres 24 items
  62. L'Anza 12 items
  63. L'Oreal Professionnel 3 items
  64. La Biosthetique 8 items
  65. Lancôme 6 items
  66. Liv Lindley 8 items
  67. Margaret Dabbs 6 items
  68. Matrix 3 items
  69. Mii Cosmetics 1 item
  70. Montblanc 2 items
  71. Nautica 1 item
  72. Neal & Wolf 7 items
  73. Nioxin 7 items
  74. NIP+FAB 6 items
  75. Nursem 6 items
  76. NUXE 7 items
  77. Olaplex 1 item
  78. Olivanna 2 items
  79. Omorovicza 3 items
  80. Paco Rabanne 7 items
  81. Paul Mitchell 17 items
  82. Percy & Reed 2 items
  83. Pestle & Mortar 13 items
  84. Philip Kingsley 1 item
  85. Ralph Lauren 1 item
  86. Price's Candles 37 items
  87. Pureology 2 items
  88. Redken 3 items
  89. REN 4 items
  90. Sabrina Carpenter 6 items
  91. Schwarzkopf 9 items
  92. Scottish Fine Soaps 41 items
  93. Shay & Blue 9 items
  94. Shu Uemura 3 items
  95. Sienna X 1 item
  96. Sigma Beauty 40 items
  97. Skin Chemists 2 items
  98. Skinny Tan 1 item
  99. skinSense 1 item
  100. Sol De Janeiro 1 item
  101. Spongelle 26 items
  102. Spotlight Oral Care 12 items
  103. St.Tropez 3 items
  104. Stila 20 items
  105. Super Facialist 2 items
  106. Sweed 4 items
  107. Tangle Teezer 10 items
  108. Thierry Mugler 2 items
  109. Tisserand 35 items
  110. Trilogy 7 items
  111. Tweezerman 5 items
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  115. UpCircle 39 items
  116. Upper Canada UK 22 items
  117. Versace 1 item
  118. Viktor & Rolf 5 items
  119. We Are Paradoxx 1 item
  120. Weleda 10 items
  121. Yves Saint Laurent 3 items
  122. Bondi Sands 4 items
  123. Guinot 7 items
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  1. Aromatherapy & Essential Oil 19 items
  2. Bath Oils 1 item
  3. Bath Oils, Salts & Soaks 21 items
  4. Blusher 3 items
  5. Body Brush 5 items
  6. Body Cream 8 items
  7. Body Oils & Serums 9 items
  8. Body Scrub 3 items
  9. Body Spray 3 items
  10. Body Washes & Showergels 26 items
  11. Bronzers & Highlighters 3 items
  12. Brow Pencils & Colour 2 items
  13. Brush Cleaner 1 item
  14. Brushes & Combs 13 items
  15. Candle 29 items
  16. Cleansers & Cleansing Wipes 16 items
  17. Cleansing Cloths & Flannels 9 items
  18. Cleansing Brushes & Devices 7 items
  19. Concealer 2 items
  20. Conditioner 13 items
  21. Dental Flossing 1 item
  22. Diffusers & Room Fragrance 19 items
  23. Double 13 items
  24. Duo 25 items
  25. Exfoliating Mitt 1 item
  26. Eyeshadow 13 items
  27. Eye Creams 2 items
  28. Eye Creams, Serums & Masks 5 items
  29. Eye Mask 3 items
  30. Eyelash Curler 1 item
  31. Face Mask 19 items
  32. Face Mist 1 item
  33. Face Oils & Serums 8 items
  34. Face Roller 3 items
  35. Face Treatment 5 items
  36. False Lashes 12 items
  37. Foot Care 2 items
  38. Foot Cream 1 item
  39. Fragrance 127 items
  40. Gift Sets & Kits 214 items
  41. Hair Accessories 9 items
  42. Hair Clays 1 item
  43. Hair Clays, Pomades & Pastes 4 items
  44. Hair Cream 1 item
  45. Hair Crimper 1 item
  46. Hair Curlers & Wands 22 items
  47. Hair Dryer 18 items
  48. Hair Masque 5 items
  49. Hair Oils & Serums 3 items
  50. Hair Removal 3 items
  51. Hair Spray & Finishing Spray 1 item
  52. Hair Straightener 25 items
  53. Hair Treatment 8 items
  54. Hand Cream 18 items
  55. Hand Wash 4 items
  56. Headband 1 item
  57. Heat Protector 2 items
  58. Hot Brush 5 items
  59. Lip Balm 15 items
  60. Lip Cream 1 item
  61. Lipgloss 1 item
  62. Lipstick 2 items
  63. Makeup Accessories 8 items
  64. Makeup Bags & Wash Bags 12 items
  65. Makeup Brushes & Sponges 10 items
  66. Makeup Powder 3 items
  67. Mascara 1 item
  68. Massage Balms & Oils 1 item
  69. Mens 23 items
  70. Moisturiser 20 items
  71. Nail Care 3 items
  72. Nail Polish 3 items
  73. Neck Cream 2 items
  74. Pack 2 items
  75. Pedicure 1 item
  76. Pillowcases 3 items
  77. Scrunchies 3 items
  78. Serums & Masks 9 items
  79. Shampoo 14 items
  80. Shaving 14 items
  81. Skin Balms & Ointments 3 items
  82. Skin Treatment 7 items
  83. Skincare Brushes & Accessories 5 items
  84. Soap 10 items
  85. Sponges 14 items
  86. Sun Protection 1 item
  87. Supersize 3 items
  88. Tan Accelerator 1 item
  89. Tan Applicator Mitt 1 item
  90. Tanning 2 items
  91. Toner 1 item
  92. Toothbrushes 6 items
  93. Towel 2 items
  94. Trimmers & Clippers 3 items
  95. Tweezers 1 item
  96. Water Bottle 1 item
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ghd Technology....

The UK brand has seen global success due to their pioneering technologies that combine the professional expertise of physicists, product designers, material scientists and hair specialists alike. This unique approach has enabled ghd to create products that are solely focused on the manipulation of hair and are based on a deep understanding of how hair interacts with various factors such as heat and pressure.

After rigorous research and testing, ghd landed on the optimum hair styling temperature as 185º. ghd found this to be the optimum as it is not too hot to cause irreversible damage but not too cold to leave your hair looking the same as before you styled it!

The Range

Continuous innovation has led to an extensive range of superior products boasting advanced technologies that allow you to style your hair, like a professional.

Sleek & Smooth

If you love a sleek and smooth look, the ghd Paddle Brush and the ghd-gold-styler are the perfect pair. Dual-technology within the straighteners themselves guarantees consistent heat regulation for a flawlessly sleek style whilst the paddle brush detangles hair for a super smooth feel.

Curly & Bouncy

For glorious curls, volume and bounce, the ghd Root Lift Spray combined with the ghd Thin Curl Wand are sure to do the trick! To hold your beautiful, bouncy curls in place, use the ghd Perfect Ending Hairspray for long-lasting results.

Don’t forget to use Heat Protect Spray before applying any form of heat to prevent irreversible damage to your locks.